Year 6
05.07.24 - Really pleased with year 6 for producing such lovely and thought provoking writing around HMT Windrush and the Windrush generation! As always, very proud of them! Mrs D-G is proud of the work the whole of ks2 has produced during French this term!

18th March 2024 - Year 6 have been looking at microbes in science. Today we were looking at what affects yeast. We put flour, warm water, dried yeast and either sugar or salt. We then observed the results.
25th September 2023 - Today Year 6 have been studying Isaac Newton and his work on light. The children learnt that light splits into a rainbow, when it is refracted through a prism. The pupils were surprised to learn this!

13th March 2023 - On Monday, Years 5 and 6 were visited by a representative of the Medway STEM association. He taught them all about how to be an engineer and how to create a Geodesic Dome. This involved a lot of communication and teamwork. They all performed brilliantly!

'Go for 'Green' Science Day
12th November
The children in Year 6 attended a Discovery Planet ‘Go for Green’ workshop at the old Fire Station in Ramsgate working with lecturers and science postgraduate students from the University of Kent. The workshops were aimed at school children aged 8-14 years old and had hands-on activities with explanations and instructions in between.
They were learning about SUSTAINABLE ENERGY and the workshops were timed to run just after the COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow. The children enjoyed a fun, informative afternoon.