First Holy Communion
The Sacrament of the Eucharist - First Holy Communion
At the age of 8, or thereabouts, children receive Holy Communion for the first time. Preparation for receiving Holy Communion, and as a part of that making first Confession, is organised through the parish. Please keep a look out in the school weekly newsletter for information about First Holy Communion.
The holy Eucharist completes Christian initiation.
Receiving Holy Communion:
- Brings us into closer union with Jesus.
- Forgives us our venial sins.
- Gives us grace to avoid future sin.
- Unites us more closely to other Catholics.
- Commits us to serving Christ in the poor and needy.
- Gives us a longing for all Christians to be united in the one Church.
Holy Communion is a pledge from God that we will one day be with him in heaven. We eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus, a personal and intimate moment with the Lord where he enters our lives both physically and spiritually, and by doing so we share in his eternal life. It is a foretaste of our future reality.
This year, we have 14 of our children making their First Holy Communion. They have already begun their journey of preparation with their families. Please keep the children in your daily prayers.
Please keep Alicja, Betsy, Elsie, Hattie, Lexi-Mae, Maddie, Christian, Kino, Edward, Evie, Aaron, Natan and Patryk, plus 8 children from other schools, in your prayers this weekend as they make their First Holy Communion on either Saturday or Sunday. We wish them a day that will be one of the most memorable and joyful days of their lives. Myself and Ms Dowd are looking forward to the celebration.