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St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

High expectations for all, in the light of Christ

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Year 4

20.06.24 - On Thursday, Year 4 experimented with pitch and discovered you can't control pitch with every instrument.

9th October 2023 - Today, Year 4 designed and made our own circuits. This was part of our Scientists and Inventors topic. The children had a fantastic time experimenting with cells, lamps and motors!

25.05.23 - This term, Year 4's topic has been 'Burps, Bottoms and Bile'. We have enjoyed looking at different types of teeth and recreating the digestive system using food and tights! We sketched some teeth and some of the children created amazing digestive system models at home. Well done Year 4!

May 2023 - Over the last few weeks at Mrs Rydz art club, children from Years 4 and 5 have been working on creating real life paintings using different fruits. They carefully used acrylic paints and blended, shaded, added shadows and their work has really come to life! Miss Rydz and Miss Lightfoot are amazed by the paintings, and we hope you all are too! The children will be entering their artwork in the Thanet's Young Artists Festival 2023 and can see their work in the exhibition too. What an amazing talent each and every one of you have! You persevered and did not give up. Well done to you all!

March 2023 - Years 3 and 4 participated in a science workshop. They learnt all about engineering and how important it is, and then had lots of fun making their own cars using K'Nex! The children worked brilliantly in their teams, and the morning was enjoyed by all. Well done Years 3 and 4!

Year 4 have been learning about Scientists and Inventors. We looked at how the first toothpaste was made and tried making some of our own!

Year 4 had a great time at Discovery Planet last week, where they learnt all about CSI, took their own fingerprints and became detectives!'

13th October 2022 - Year 4 had lots of yummy fun on Monday! We learnt all about the layers of a Roman road, and then made our own. We then wrote a detailed set of instructions explaining what we did! Well done Year 4!

13th October 2022 - Here are Year 4’s giant African land snails enjoying their breakfast!

6th July 2022 - Year 4 Trip to Wingham

24.05.22 - Year 4 have been working amazingly hard at home to create these amazing digestive system models. Well done to everyone who brought one in!

20.05.22 - Year 4 had great fun this afternoon carefully sketching bees using oil pastels to celebrate World Bee Day! Here are some of their fabulous creations

11.05.22 - Welcome to the new and smallest member of Gambia class! A baby African land snail.

28.4.2022 - Today year 4 learnt all about how we digest our food. We used tights, biscuits, orange juice and banana and learnt what happens at each stage of digestion! Not very nice to look at, but lots of fun was had this afternoon!

28.4.2022 - Year 4 have been learning about when Peter helped Jesus and built the first church, known as the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. With Miss Jordan’s amazing help, we have created a beautiful Kingdom which the children are very proud of!

Year 4 had a very busy day learning about the Gambia. They tried new and exciting fruits, made beautiful horizon silhouette artwork, tried on a Gambian dress and looked at some real Gambian money. Lots of fun had by everyone! Well done Year 4.

Well Done to Evie in Year 4


At the end of the last academic year, St Ethelbert’s entered a competition for the 200th Anniversary of Ramsgate Harbour. The children were asked to design a new mug for the celebration. This week, I received an email from the Town Promoter on behalf of Ramsgate Town Council. Out of all the children in Thanet that entered, Evie won the artist competition. Evie will now have her design printed on 100 commemorative mugs, to be sold for the occasion. Well Done Evie! We are very proud of you.





