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St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

High expectations for all, in the light of Christ

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PTFA are seeking to purchase outdoor play equipment to support the children's exercise, play and learning.

The project with the highest number of votes across your region will receive £1,500 (or the amount that was requested up to this value), the second placed project £1,000 (or the amount that was requested up to this value), and the third placed project £500.  To re-iterate, if you are first in the vote, you will receive the amount that you requested in your application (or the amount that was requested up to £1,500).

What happens next?

Stores which will vote on your project
Please see below a list of stores taking part in the voting on your project.  Feel free to share this list of stores amongst your supporters and within your community.   

4874    Broadstairs High Street Express Small unit      CT10 1LH
2200    Broadstairs Extra       Large unit      CT10 2QJ

To check the location of any of the above stores, please go to the Tesco website here:

To vote, you will need to make a purchase within store of any value. You will receive one token per transaction and it's not necessary to purchase a carrier bag in order to receive a token.

Father's Day Gift Wrap - 12.6.24

