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St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

High expectations for all, in the light of Christ

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Sports Afternoon 2024

23rd April 2024 - Yesterday was Earth Day so Nursery learnt all about our planet and how to keep it healthy. The children came up with ideas like 'not throwing rubbish on the floor' so we decided to go litter picking on the school grounds to keep it nice and clean. As for our art lesson, we used mud and water to make our paintings! They loved it :)

17th November 2023 - On Friday, as a school, we celebrated Children in Need day. We invited the children to wear something spotty (or their own clothes) to raise money for charity. We had lots of fun with different Pudsey themed activities. The children then made their own Pudsey Biscuits with yellow icing and sprinkles and got to indulge themselves for snack time.

March 2023 - This week Nursery had a special treat and experienced their first PE lesson. The children had lots of fun jumping, climbing, balancing and swinging together. A few children were a little nervous on different areas of the hall but they supported each other and held each others hands which was so thoughtful and kind. It was wonderful for the children to use the school's equipment and develop their gross motor skills.

February 2023 - This week Nursery have been learning about their own mental health, talking about their feelings, how to be kind to one another and participating in some relaxing activities. The children loved the cosmic kids yoga and placing cucumber on their eyes afterwards for them to relax. The children have been very thoughtful giving each other pretend 'haircuts' and massages (and their teachers too).

January 2023 - Last week Nursery have been involved in lots of bird themed activities. The children know the names of different types of birds, got messy making bird feeders using seeds and lard, been creative making their own birds and spotted them around the nursery classroom and garden. We have hung our bird feeders on trees around the school for the local birds to enjoy.

Over the last two weeks the nursery children have been reading traditional tales books (Little Red Riding hood and The three little pigs) and have enjoyed acting them out with masks and making the props within the classroom. They have built so many wonderful creations using different resources and used great language from the stories during their play.

21st June 2022 - Nursery have been learning all about different jobs and the people that help us in our community this week. The children have opened a new shop called Ethel's hairdressers. All the children were so engaged in exploring the equipment and allowed each other to take turns sitting in the chair to get their hair done. It was wonderful to observe their interactions and be part of their play and experiences.

20.5.22 - Nursery have been learning about how to be healthy and made some yummy fruit kebabs for snack today. We read the story Handa's surprise and the children were interested in the fruits within the book so we tried them. The children really enjoyed eating snack a different way (we were very careful with the kebab sticks too).

In Nursery we have been looking more closely at flowers, how they grow and what they need to survive. We have planted wild flowers in our garden, been painting and made our own daffodils using egg cartons and practicing our cutting skills to put some flowers in vases.

