Dear Heavenly Father, We seek your blessing and support in all the responsibilities we bear as Governors of St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery. May we reach our decisions prompted by a desire to serve. Grant us wisdom and understanding; of our school, our community and ourselves. Amen
Mrs C Turner - Foundation Governor/Chair
Mrs M Frances - Foundation Governor/Vice Chair
Fr J Routh - Foundation Governor
Fr S Heans - Foundation Governor
Mr D Coleman - Foundation Governor
Mrs G Glover - LA Governor
Mrs S Ofori - Parent Governor
Mrs F Dyas - Foundation Governor
Mr M Davis - Foundation Governor
Mrs S Calver - Staff Governor
Mrs K Hopewell - Parent Governor
Saint Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School
Headteacher: Mr Simon Marshall
Chair of Governors: Mrs. Claire Turner
Clerk to the Governors: Mrs. Sharon Page |
St. Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School Governing Body follows the committee model of governance. The Full Governing Body, the Finance/Resources and Personnel Committee, the Curriculum and Learning Committee, and the Catholicity Committee each meet three times a year. Governors are not paid at all and give up enormous amounts of their free time to help the school. They visit the school and develop the school ethos and values to give the very best possible educational experience to all the children that go through the doors from Nursery to Year 6. The Catholic Church appoints the majority of Governors, called
Foundation Governors. Other Stakeholder Governors are elected by the school staff, parents and Kent County Council.
Full Governing Body September 2024-2025:
Mrs C Turner - Foundation Governor - Chair | |
Mrs M Francis - Foundation Governor – Vice Chair | |
Fr Simon Heans - Foundation Governor | |
Fr Jonathon Routh – Foundation Governor | |
Mrs S Calver - Staff Governor | |
Mr S Marshall – Headteacher | |
Mr D Coleman – Foundation Governor | |
Mrs G Glover – LA Governor | |
Ms F Dyas – Foundation Governor | |
Mr M Davis – Foundation Governor | |
Mrs S Ofori – Parent Governor | |
Mrs K Hopewell – Parent Governor | |
Mrs M Dowd – Deputy Headteacher and Associate Member | |
Clerk - Mrs S Page (The Education People) | |
Resignations/Retired 2023/2024:
Fr Christopher Basden - Foundation Governor
Resignations 2022/2023:
Resignations 2021/2022:
Mrs N Chester - Parent Governor
Current vacancies:
If you wish to communicate with any of the above School Governors, please do not hesitate to let the school office know and they will arrange a suitable time for the Governor to contact you. Email:
Committees 2024-25:
Governors are appointed to committees based on their expertise. Each committee reports to the Full Governing Body.
Finance, Resources and Personnel Committee: Mrs C Turner, Mrs G Glover, Mr M Davis, Mrs Hopewell, Mr S Marshall, Ms Dowd,
Curriculum & Learning Committee: Mrs M Francis, Mr D Coleman, Ms F Dyas, Mrs C Turner, Mr S Marshall
Catholicity Committee: Fr Simon, Fr Jonathon, Mrs M Francis, Mr D Coleman, Mr S Marshall, Ms M Dowd
Governors’ designated roles and responsibilities 2024/2025:
SEND/AEN – Mrs M Francis
Training and Development - Mrs S Calver
Health and Safety - Mrs S Ofori
Safeguarding (including Online Safety) - Mrs C Turner Mr D Coleman
Budget Monitoring – Mrs G Glover, Mrs C Turner, Mr M Davis, Mrs Hopewell
Pupil Premium and catch-up: Mrs M Francis Mrs S Ofori
Sports Pupil Premium - Mrs C Turner
Headteacher's Performance Management Panel- Mrs C Turner, Mrs G Glover and an external advisor.
Pay Panel: Mrs C Turner, Mrs G Glover, Mr M Davis
| September 2024 - 2025 |
English | Mrs C Turner, Mr M Davis |
Maths | Mrs F Dyas, Mrs G Glover |
Science | Mrs S Ofori |
RE | Fr S Heans, Fr J Routh, Mrs M Francis, Mr D Coleman |
History | Mr D Coleman |
Geography | Mr D Coleman |
Art | Mrs F Dyas |
DT | Mrs F Dyas |
Music | Fr J Routh |
French | Mrs S Ofori |
Computing | Fr J Routh |
PE | Mrs C Turner |
EYFS | Mrs M Francis |
Annual declaration of Business interest. This status is also updated at the start of each meeting.
Mr D Coleman is an Education Officer for the Catholic Diocese of Southwark
Governor Appointment Dates:
Governor Position | Surname | First Name | Title | Start Date | End Date | Position |
Foundation Governor | Davis | Michael | Mr | 24-Feb-23 | 23-Feb-27 |
Foundation Governor | Turner | Claire | Mrs | 01-Dec-22 | 30-Nov-26 | Chair |
Foundation Governor | Francis | Maureen | Mrs | 01-Sep-22 | 31-Aug-26 | Vice Chair |
Headteacher Governor | Marshall | Simon | Mr | 01-Sep-20 |
| Headteacher ex- officio |
Staff Governor | Calver | Sharon | Mrs | 25-Nov-19 | 02-Dec-23 | Staff |
Foundation Governor | Heans | Simon | Father | 01-Oct-19 | 30-Sep-27 | Parish Priest |
Foundation Governor | Basden | Christopher | Father | 20-Oct-20 | 21-Oct-24 | Parish Priest |
Foundation Governor | Coleman | Daniel | Mr | 13-July-21 | 12-Juy-25 |
LA Governor | Glover | Georgina | Mrs | 7-Feb-22 | 06-Feb-26 |
Foundation Governor | Dyas | Francesca | Ms | 15-Dec-21 | 14-Dec-25 |
Parent Governor | Ofori | Sasha | Mrs | 28-Jan-22 | 27-Jan-26 |
Parent Governor | Hopewell | Kate | Mrs | 10-Jan-24 | 09-Jan-28 |
Associate Member | Dowd | Mary | Mrs | 31-March-21 | 30-March-25 | Deputy headteacher |
Resignations 2020 2021 |
| Chester | Nicola | Mrs |
| Robinson | Antonia | Mrs |
Term of Office expired |
The Clerk to the Governors is trained by and supplied by The Education People. The Clerk monitors all attendance at governor meetings.
Attendance at Governing Body Meetings 2022/2023:
| FGB 26/9 | P&R 12/10 | C&D 21/10 | Cath 07/10 | FGB 12/12 | Cath 24/01 | C&D 26/01 | P&R 22/03 | FGB 06/02 | FGB 27/03 | C&D 07/07 | Cath 04/07 | FGB 22/05 | FGB 17/07 |
C Turner | X |
| X | X | X | X |
| X | X | A | X | X |
M Francis | X |
| X | X | X | X |
| X | X | X | A | X |
Fr S Heans | A |
| A | A | X |
| X |
| X | A | A |
S Calver | X |
| A |
| A |
| X | X |
S Marshall | X |
| X | X | X | X |
| X | X | X | X | X |
Fr C Basden | X |
| A | X | X |
| A |
| X | X | X |
M Davies |
| A |
| A | X |
F Dyas | X |
| A |
| X |
| X | X |
| X | X |
S Ofori | X |
| X |
| X |
| X | X |
D Coleman | X |
| X | X | X |
| - |
| A | A | X |
N Chester | X |
| X |
| R |
Associate Members |
G Glover | X |
| X |
| X |
| A | A |
M Dowd | X |
| X | X | X | X |
| X | X | X | X | X |
X In Attendance
A Apologies for Absence given and accepted.
AN Absent and no apologies given
R Governor resigned
TE Term of Office expired
*Held virtually due to Covid-19
Please Note: Associate Members have no requirement to attend meetings.