Welcome to the PTFA section of our website.
About us ...
St Ethelbert's PTFA
Hello and a huge welcome to all the mums, dads, grandparents and carers
at St Ethelbert’s Catholic Primary School.
So, what is the PTFA?
The purpose of the PTFA is to raise funds which in turn are used to enhance your children’s experience at St Ethelbert’s. We help pay for extra activities, parties, school trips as well as providing funds for new equipment for the school. We are a charity so can also look for grants and funding from outside sources which can be very beneficial.
Who are the PTFA?
Firstly, I’d like to reassure you that we are friendly bunch, and we welcome new people to join. I know some may be shy as I was one of them not too long ago but please do not worry, you will not be put on the spot and can just listen at first. The main thing is that you are there. So, we are as follows:
- Chair- Anna Aslett
- Treasurer- Laura Wilson
- Secretary- Miyoka Kelly and Sasha Boahin
We also have many wonderful volunteers who contribute on a regular basis. Without them, we would not be able to run.
Why should you join us?
The easy answer is that the more help we receive, the more we can raise! We realise that all parents lead busy lives and would never expect for anyone to be able to attend all our meetings and help at all our events. We will not ask you to produce endless cakes, makes or give up all your free time. Even if you can only commit to one event a year, it all helps. We also look for contributions in terms of obtaining raffle prizes from businesses, for artist people to help make our events pop and we are always open to new ideas! So, if you can join us in any capacity, please do so!
How do I contact you?
We very open to being approached at school but if you’d rather phone or email then our contact details are:
Let’s make it count and bring back the fun!!