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St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

High expectations for all, in the light of Christ

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16.07.24 - Reception Class enjoyed their trip to the beach yesterday, even with the down pour just before they headed back to school. They were all fantastic and made us very proud, well done Reception 👏 😁🏖

21.06.24 - Reception Class have a new topic this term - 'On the Beach'! They have taken part in lots of learning opportunities so far such as making their own seaside in a bottle, creating their own beach scenes outside and then writing about them, making pirate ships, as well producing some amazing writing about what they can see on the beach and under the sea! Well done Reception Class!

15th May 2024 - Reception Class have been continuing with their Ready Steady Grow topic and have been learning about fruit and vegetables and where they come from. They have written about their favourite fruit and vegetables, sequenced and written instructions to make vegetable soup and then helped to prepare, make and (more importantly), taste the vegetable soup!

8th May 2024 - The children in Reception Class have been learning about May being the month of Mary! They wrote 'thank you' on flowers to say thank to Mary for giving us Jesus and then put them on our altar with Mary and said a special prayer to her. 🙏

7th May 2024 - Yesterday, Reception class carried on with learning about Jack and the Beanstalk. They had a letter from The Giant asking the children to help him to measure his footprints to help him buy some new shoes! The children used different items to measure the footprints, showing great teamwork! They also listened to a different version of Jack and the Beanstalk called Jack and the Baked Beanstalk. The children then came up with their own versions of the story and wrote/drew what they could find at the top of the beanstalk instead of a castle. Lots of wonderful imaginative ideas! The children also enjoyed the sunshine, using lots of maths resources from their new maths shed outside and planting some seeds in their Understanding the World area. A brilliant sunny day with lots of learning 😀 🌱☀️

3rd May 2024 - Reception Class have been continuing their Ready Steady Grow topic this week by using the story Jack and the Beanstalk. They have been learning about measuring in different ways in maths, including measuring beanstalks with cubes. They have been using their gross motor skills, as well as teamwork and communication and language skills to make a castle for the giant. They have been improving their fine motor skills and expressive arts to cut out and create their own story scene for Jack, as well making their own beanstalks with a range of materials and tools. They have also been improving their reading and writing skills to write words, captions and character descriptions from the story using their phonic knowledge. Lots of learning opportunities! Well done Reception Class!

17th April 2024 - Reception Class have started a new topic this term - Ready Steady Grow! They are starting the topic by looking at life cycles and they have their very own caterpillars to look after and watch transform into butterflies in their Curiosity Corner! They have been learning about the story The Very Hungry Caterpillar and learning the different stages of a butterfly life cycle. They also received a letter from the butterfly, asking to write down the foods the Hungry Caterpillar ate, we had some amazing pieces of writing! Well done Reception Class!'

20th March 2024 - Reception and Nursery made the most of the beautiful weather this afternoon and took part in lots of learning activities outside! They were exploring with water, showing great teamwork in the construction area, using a range of resources to write and draw in the literacy area, looking at books in the reading area, being creative in the mud kitchen, as well as a variety of other activities. We look forward to more sunny learning opportunities outside ☀️📚✏️🛠🧽'

18th March 2024 - Reception Class really enjoyed their Road Safety Talk this week and learnt how to ensure they Stop, Look, Listen, Think, and Hold Hands with a grown up when crossing the road

12th March 2024 - As part of British Science Week, Reception Class took part in an experiment sent to them by Humpty Dumpty! He wanted their help to find him something to put under his wall incase he fell again so that he would not break! The children looked at different items made from a range of materials, predicted whether Humpty Dumpty would crack if he fell on the different materials, and then tested them with hard boiled eggs! Their results showed that it was only the pillow and bubble wrap that would stop Humpty Dumpty from cracking! They all had great fun with their EGGperiment! 😁🤭🥚'

Around The World Day - 8th February 2024 - Reception Class enjoyed learning about Poland for our Around the World Day today. They were able to try some traditional Polish food as well as decorate eggs which is a Polish tradition. They then enjoyed an afternoon of celebrating the end of their topic 'Wonderful World' for Share the Learning and had a table of activities for each country that they have learnt about this term!

8th February 2024 - For Children's Mental Health Week this week Reception Class spent the day thinking about different emotions using 'The Colour Monster' book. They made their own colour monsters and wrote what emotions they show. Then, in the afternoon they turned their classroom into a spa! They started with calming stretches and giving each other back massages and they all said something good about themselves. They then had calming music on whilst reading books, taking part in more Colour Monster activities and soaking their feet in foot baths! They all felt very relaxed! 😌

6th February 2024 - The children in Reception Class have been learning all about Chinese New Year! They started off by learning lots of facts about how people celebrate Chinese New Year and about the story of the Chinese calendar and that this year is the year of the Dragon! The children learnt about the lucky red envelopes that people receive on New Year's Day, and they had to hunt for these envelopes in the playground to find a word inside to read! They then wrote captions for Chinese New Year pictures. In the afternoon they had lots of Chinese New Year based activities too including writing Chinese numbers in sand and writing their own notes to put in red lucky envelopes!'

1st February 2024 - Reception Class had a very special delivery on Monday - nine chicken eggs! Yesterday and today they have been hatching! Reception and Nursery were able to take it in turns to hold a chick this afternoon! The rest of the classes will also have the opportunity to come and look at and hold the chicks next week - how EGGciting!!'

18th October 2023 - Reception Class have continued their autumn theme this week and have been listening to the story 'Pumpkin Soup' by Helen Cooper. They then took part in a variety of autumn and pumpkin themed activities, including taking the insides out of some pumpkins, making their own pumpkin soup and then trying it for their snack time! They also made leaf pictures with autumn coloured stickers, made collage pumpkins, practiced handwriting patterns inside pumpkins, and made pumpkin spiced playdough to shape into their own pumpkins. Well done Reception Class!

12th October 2023 - Reception Class have been learning all about autumn this week! They have been making autumn trees using finger painting, making hedgehogs with playdough and pasta, mark making in moon sand using autumn patterns, making autumn cakes in the mud kitchen, and learning about the book 'Don't Hog the Hedge' and role playing the story and using the characters to learn about size order! Lots of great learning opportunities! Well done Reception!

8th June 2023 - Reception Class have started their new topic for term 6 'On the Beach!' by making their own 'Seaside in a Bottle' today! They did brilliant pouring of their sand into empty plastic bottles and then they added small shells and blue water to make their seaside scene! Amazing work Reception!

25.5.23 - Reception Class have been continuing with their 'Ready Steady Grow' topic by learning about the importance of eating fruit and vegetables. They tasted carrot, pepper, celery and cucumber yesterday and they discussed how these can help to keep your teeth healthy. They then wrote what they would like in a fruit salad and then they got to make their own fruit skewers for their snack today!

23.5.23 - Reception Class's topic this term has been 'Ready Steady Grow' and as part of their topic they have been learning about life cycles. They have been very lucky to have their very own caterpillars to look after and they watched as they went through the different stages of its life cycle and eventually butterflies emerged! This morning they went into the garden and released them to hopefully lay more eggs and continue their life cycle!

11th May 2023 - Reception class have been learning about vegetables this week and today they got to make vegetable soup! They chopped up the vegetables and then got the opportunity to taste the soup during milk time this afternoon if they wanted to!

May 2023 - Reception Class have been learning all about the importance of the month of May during their RE lessons. They have learnt about Mary and why she is special and then they made flowers to decorate their class altar and write special prayers to say thank you to Mary.

25th April 2023 - Reception Class really enjoyed making potions today in their outdoor kitchen area using old flowers, different sized pots and pipettes. They were using great language as they discussed which pots would hold the most and were using their fine motor skills to carefully transport the water. They then wrote recipe cards to say how they made their potions. The children also helped Miss Rees tidy up the flower bed and add in some green pebbles and vocabulary to help with their Ready, Stead Grow topic! Well done Reception Class!

Reception Class had an exciting discovery today! They found a toad in their construction area! Miss Rees very carefully put it in a bowl and took it to our school pond where it very quickly jumped into the water to safety!

19th April 2023 - Reception Class have been learning about Jack and the Beanstalk this week as part of their new topic 'Ready Steady Grow!'. In their maths lesson this afternoon they discovered some very large footprints in their playground and a letter from the Giant at the top of the beanstalk! He asked them to help him to measure the footprints so that he could buy some new shoes! The children did very well using different items to measure the footprints in different ways, well done Reception!

27th March 2023 - Reception Class have been learning all about the similarities and differences between life today and life a long time ago. They listened to some stories such as 'The Tiger who came to tea' and 'Lucy and Tom at the Seaside' to see some of the similarities and differences and then they had a look at some of the toys that children might have played with in the past. They compared them with some of the toys we play with today and spoke about how they work and the materials they are made from. The children then had a chance to play with some toys from the past!

20th March 2023 - This morning, Reception Class have been learning all about volcanoes as part of their dinosaur topic this term! They discussed what volcanoes are and then the children watched Miss Rees do a volcano experiment! They then did some Write Dance, making pictures of volcanoes before taking part in volcano dancing where they all pretended they were volcanoes erupting! Lots of fun and learning had by all!

15th March 2023 - Reception Class visited the St. Ethelbert's Church this morning during their RE lesson. They looked at the different areas of the church and then sat to say a special Prayer to God. They all received Superstar Dojo's for being so sensible and respectful when visiting. Well done Reception Class!

2nd March 2023 - Reception Class all looked amazing in their costumes for world book day today! For one of their activities they listened to the story 'Supertato!' and then all made their own Supertatoes!!

28th February 2023 - We have more information about the dinosaur that hatched in Reception Class! Yesterday our school camera caught sight of it on our adventure playground! Then we had a resident near the beach who had seen it on Broadstairs beach! We then had a letter and a picture from Jurassic Park letting us know that the dinosaur had arrived safely! Reception Class will be writing some letters to the dinosaur next week to check he is enjoying his time at his new home!

27th February 2023 - Reception Class came into class to a massive surprise this morning! The egg that they have been looking after has hatched! We discovered big dinosaur footprints and our class camera managed to even capture some pictures of the dinosaur and a video! We have a very excited Reception Class and we cannot wait to find out where the dinosaur has disappeared to! Reception Class decided that their topic this term will now be all about dinosaurs!!

10th February 2023 - 'Reception Class ended Children's Mental Health Week with a spa session this morning! They had and gave back massages, head massages, foot baths, face masks, mindfulness colouring and reading with cushions and relaxing music. They all agreed this all made them feel very relaxed, happy and ready to start the rest of the day's activities!'

6th February 2023 - Reception Class have really enjoyed kicking off the start of Children's Mental Health Week today! They came in dressed in their favourite colours and then they have been learning about the book 'The Colour Monster'. This is all about different feelings and knowing it is okay to feel certain ways and how we can help each other to all be happy :) They have been cutting and sticking to make their own colour monsters, role playing the story using puppets, teddies and the book, making handwriting patterns using the colour monsters, describing their own feelings and using coloured counters and bears to match with the correct numbers. Well done Reception!

30th January 2023 - Today Reception Class have been learning all about Humpty Dumpty! We sang the nursery rhyme and then we had a letter from Humpty Dumpty asking if we could help him find something to put under his wall if he was to fall again so he would not crack! The children all came up with fantastic ideas and then we tested the items that they thought of using hard boiled eggs! We found that a pillow would be the best item to use! We also sequenced the story of Humpty Dumpty, built our own walls from wooden blocks, completed handwriting patterns of Humpty Dumpty, role played the story using puppets and matched numbers together to put Humpty Dumpty back together again. It was an EGGcellent morning :D

23rd January 2023 - Yesterday it was Chinese New Year and so Reception Class have been learning all about the Chinese New Year and the fact that this year is the year of the Rabbit! They have been colouring 2023 rabbit pictures, cutting and sticking 2D shapes to make rabbits, making rabbit silhouette pictures with paint and matching chinese numbers 1-10 with Numicon. They have had great fun!'

8th November 2022 - 'Reception Class have been doing an Eggcellent experiment this week! They have been looking at the importance of brushing their teeth by putting hard boiled eggs in 4 different liquids - water, squash, coke and orange juice. They left them for 2 days and then took them out to see what had happened to them! They then used toothbrushes and toothpaste to see if they could make them clean again. Well done Reception Class!

13th July 2022 - Reception Class enjoyed their trip to the beach for the day ...

21st June 2022 - The Nature and Creativity Reception Class after school club decorated some shells last week and this week they hid them around the school grounds for the other year groups to find! I wonder if your child will come home with a pretty shell at the end of the day?

13th June 2022 - On Monday Reception Class had a special visitor from the RNLI to talk about beach safety for their new topic 'On the beach'! They listened really well and learnt lots of information about how to keep safe on the beach and in the sea and what the lifeguard's job involves.

13th June 2022 - In the Reception Class this term, their topic is 'On the Beach' so they started the topic with a beach party on Friday! The weather was fantastic and the children loved playing with the sand and water and helping themselves to juice and an ice lolly!

6th June 2022 - Reception Class have been learning about life cycles and had the amazing opportunities to watch the life cycle of a butterfly in the classroom! They watched as caterpillars turned into chrysalides and then emerged as butterflies and they then released them this morning in the school field! Goodbye butterflies!

17th May 2022 - Reception Class made the most out of the sunshine today during child initiated time - they had great fun using our water wall with our new pipes and used chalk to draw and write on the pathway!

1st March 2022


The Reception children enjoyed learning all about Shrove Tuesday today, particularly the tasting of the pancakes with their chosen toppings! Yummy!



25th February, 2022


On Wednesday, the Reception children walked into class to find a very exciting discovery! Our egg had hatched and we managed to catch on camera what came out of the egg....A DINOSAUR!!! How exciting! The Reception Class topic this term will now be all about Dinosaurs!!!!




22nd February, 2022

Mr Marshall delivered a special package to Reception Class this morning which had been delivered to the school! Inside was an egg!! There was a note to ask Reception class to look after the egg until it hatches! We wonder what is inside??!! We cannot wait to find out! surprise


31st January, 2022


Reception made rockets today during their child initiated activity time because they have been learning all about space today as part of their topic 'Starry Night'. They had great fun choosing what they needed and deciding how to attach different parts. Well done Reception Class!!'







21st January, 2022

Reception children took part in an egg experiment this week to look at the importance of brushing our teeth! We put hard boiled eggs in cola, orange juice, squash and water and left them for 2 days! We invited Mr Marshall to come and see the results with us and then we used toothbrushes and toothpaste to see if we could clean them! It was great fun, well done Reception class!



Around the World Day

14th January 2022


Reception children really enjoyed our 'All Around the World Day' as France Class on Friday! We learnt some new French words and phrases, made French flags, drew and labelled pictures of famous sights in France and, more importantly, we tried croissants and pain au chocolat! Yum!'






Reception Class made some beautiful poppies for our Remembrance Day display.  Thank you and well done to all the children

