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St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

High expectations for all, in the light of Christ

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Remote Learning Provision, COVID Risk Assessment and Outbreak Management Plan



Critical Worker and Vulnerable Children Only - outbreak only


- Our current risk assessment stays in place to keep all staff, children and parents as safe as possible.

- St Ethelbert's will be open at normal times for all critical workers and vulnerable children ONLY.

- Children that are CW/V will stay in their classes, meaning class bubbles will remain. This is to keep the risk low, keep children in small groups and to avoid mixing when we reopen fully.

- Teachers will teach remotely using Google Classroom.

- Teaching Assistants will look after the CW/V children from within the classroom bubble. These children will be given their own iPad or Chromebook during school time to access the same online learning as the rest of the class.

- Playtime will continue as normal.

- Breakfast club will still be offered and operated as we do now.
Any questions about the above then please phone the school office and someone will get back to you. Please stay safe and I hope to see all the children back to school at the earliest opportunity.


Coronavirus - A book for children

 SEND information


  • The ELSA website is great - it has really reasonably priced resources if parents feel the need but more importantly there is a whole selection of FREE resources.



Eve in Year 1 has been really enjoying her “Superhero English” learning tasks and has been learning to draw superheroes using step by step videos at home.






I would like to let you know that Hugh and Joe have been enjoying story time so much!

That is their favorite time of the day.

Their teachers have been working really hard for pupills to enjoy learning at home, and I can not tell how much we appreciated! 



Year 1 Topic 'Superheroes'

Still image for this video
Year 1's topic is Superheroes. Today they have had great fun reading and acting out the story of 'Supertato.'

Eve made a lovely puppet show at home and is a great storyteller!

Year 4 have been busy following instructions this morning! They could choose to do some baking or make a paper boat. By Thomas, Oskar, Faye, Ben and Hubert

Year 4 made superheroes this afternoon! Superheroes come in all different shapes and sizes, and we are all our own superhero. Well done to Ben, Dennis, Faye, Hubert, Julia, Kelly, Mikolaj and Olivia for your fantastic work!

More fantastic work from Year 4 for Express Yourself day. Brilliant work from Ava, Evie, Amy, Tobi and Thomas. Well done everyone.

Here are some pictures of Reception Class having fun in the snow this morning. They have been using paint to colour mix in the snow, learning about what happens to snow when it melts, making snow angels and building snowmen!



Reception Class have been having lots of fun at home and in school making their own Super Hero Vegetables after listening to the story 'Supertato'!"

Well done Bailey, Erin, Kaiden, Lucy and Mia.










