Parent-Child Communication
How much is breakfast club and how do I book it?
St Ethelbert’s breakfast club offers the children a nutritious breakfast of breakfast cereals, toast and a drink. Yoghurts are also offered. Breakfast Club is open to pupils from Reception to Year 6. Gate is opened 7.45am and again at 8.00am. Breakfast Club is until 8.40am. The cost is £2.50 per child per session and can be booked via School Money.
Full details can be found at:
What do I do if I need to see a teacher?
Staff are available on the playgrounds at the end of the day. They can also be contacted via the DOJO point system. This allows parents/carers to correspond with their child’s teacher. An appointment can be made via the school office for the end of the day if you need a longer appointment.
How can parents get involved?
We ask that parents support pupils by reading at home and encouraging children to do homework.
We welcome parent helpers in school. Please speak to the School Manager if you are interested in becoming a parent volunteer, or complete the volunteer application form which can be found at
How do you communicate with parents?
At St Ethelbert’s we use DoJO – Parents can message the teacher and share information about how well pupils are doing in class and at home. We hold regular ‘sharing the learning’ where parents are invited into school to spend time with their child in class and can find out what pupils have been learning.
We also use Facebook to send out snippets of current/upcoming school information and we realise this may take time for us to get a strong following. We aim to share and celebrate as many of the varied activities that the children and staff engage in as we can.
We also have Calendar Date and Noticeboard on our website that will be populated with all major events from term times to day trips, parent evenings and any shows or events that pupils and/or parents are going to be involved in.