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St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

High expectations for all, in the light of Christ

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PTFA AGM: Thursday 18th July at 9 am

The PTFA plays a vital part in the school community and all the parents are invited to attend the AGM.

This is your chance to hear how the funds you have helped raise have been used for the benefit of the children at the school.

The AGM is also an opportunity for you to elect the PTFA Committee, to represent the association throughout the forthcoming academic year. Nominations should be sent in advance of the AGM for existing committee members willing to stand for re-election and for anyone wishing to stand as an Officer or Ordinary Committee Member for the first time.

Our chair (Anna Aslett) and treasurer (Laura Wilson) are stepping down after many years of dedicated work to the PTFA. We are urgently seeking volunteers to fill these roles. Without new leadership, we may have to close the PTFA.

Please complete the form if you wish to be nominated and return by 3 pm on Monday 15th July to the PTFA at

If anyone would like to discuss the roles in the PTFA or would consider volunteering with support initially, please feel free to contact Anna Aslett (current Chair) –


