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St Ethelbert's Catholic Primary School and Nursery

High expectations for all, in the light of Christ

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British Values

Promoting Fundamental British Values.


We actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain. Pupils are encouraged to regard people of all faiths, races and cultures with respect and tolerance and understand that while different people may hold different views about what is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’, all people living in England are subject to its law.


The Key Values are:

•    mutual respect
•    tolerance
•    rule of law
•    democracy
•    individual liberty 


Mutual Respect

Mutual respect is taught throughout St Ethelbert's and through the curriculum, assemblies, RE and RHE. This ensures an emphasis on love for others, equality, inclusion and fairness for all pupils in the school. There is a culture of zero tolerance toward racist or sexist behaviour or attitudes throughout the school. The School Behaviour Policy is based on showing respect and staying safe. Adults in school model positive relationships to each other and to children. The school organises visits from other religions in our local area, for example, Rabbi Cliff, from one of our local synagogues comes in and carries out workshops with the children.



Differences and similarities in faith, ethnicity, disability, gender, family backgrounds & circumstances are recognised, reflected upon and celebrated within assemblies, RHE, the RE Curriculum where other faiths and places of worship are valued and explored; this year, we are visiting Montefiore Synagogue. With Inclusion being one of our three values, inclusion of children and SEN provision is ensured through the SEND policy. The exploration of other cultures through cross-curriculum topics ensures tolerance, respect and understanding. 


Rule of Law

Pupils are encouraged to negotiate, empathise and reconcile issues through restorative justice focusing on forgiveness and reconciliation. Children are offered a ‘fresh start’ each day through our Behaviour Policy and all children start a new day on the green display. Honesty is encouraged as part of showing respect and injustices are challenged as part of the Behaviour Policy. Assemblies and the curriculum explore moral issues of conscience, behaviour and rules in different contexts. 



Children enact democracy through pupil leadership and pupil voice during whole school elections. Children elect a Headboy and Headgirl, RE Council members, School Leadership members, Eco-Warriors, Librarians and Prefects. Pupils are given the chance to express their views and opinions and adults take their ideas into account both in class, through the different groups and during assemblies. As part of RE and English, children are encouraged to express their different points of view through discussion and debates.


Individual Liberty

Within school there is an ethos of equality and fairness for all pupils and freedom of speech is fostered through pupil participation, whilst children are reminded to show respect and safety. All pupils are encouraged to develop their talents and opinions through self knowledge, self esteem and self confidence. Children are encouraged to develop an understanding of their rights and responsibilities. Pupil Leadership groups demonstrate the change that individuals can have on their community. Examples of children working to help their local community are shared during Achievement Assembly each week. 

